Connecta 2019
Connecta wants to connect people, which is why we use sessions. Experts offer their insights in small groups and participants can then discuss their input. Connecta’s programme is entirely flexible. You can put together your own programme for the day – in line with your personal needs and interests. This is why Connecta sees itself as more of a festival than a traditional conference. Learn more about our renowned speakers from Connecta 2019 here.

Thomas Husson – Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester
Open innovation: latest tech trends and best practices
In this keynote speech, Forrester’s Thomas Husson will share his perspective on the key disruptive technologies in the next three to five years and highlight best practices in how to innovate.

Duena Blomstrom – CEO, Co-Founder, Author, PeopleNotTech
Emotional banking and money moments
Understanding what is really needed to become customer-centric is imperative for any institution wishing to remain competitive in today’s market.

Doug Stephens – Retail Prophet
The end of the beginning of e-commerce
Global e-commerce is set to top 1.2 trillion dollars this year. And if that doesn’t seem astonishing, then consider that the figure represents a massive increase over 2018 levels.
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