Alexandra Scherrer B2B-Monitor 2019
What about digital sales in the business customer environment in Switzerland? What are the biggest challenges at the moment? To what extent has consumerization already advanced and how is B2B still different from B2C? In her presentation, Alexandra Scherrer, Digital Business Consultant at Carpathia, answers these questions using the results of the 2019 B2B Monitor.

Your added value in terms of trade
With the B2B Monitor we map the status quo in the Swiss B2B online trade. The most interesting results from the monitor are presented exclusively at Connecta.
Details on the speaker
Alexandra Scherrer is Digital Business Consultant at Carpathia AG, the independent and neutral consulting agency for digital commerce. In her role, she supports large and small companies from different B2C and B2B sectors with strategy development, design and implementation. This role also includes analyses and surveys in the Swiss digital commerce environment.
Language: German