Anna Kaempfer Asia Commerce
A saturated domestic market and potential for cross-border online retail are prompting Swiss companies to expand abroad. The Asian market, particular China, is enticing with its two billion potential consumers. However, tapping into this market is usually very challenging. This talk will shed light on the Asian e-commerce market as well as the related challenges and opportunities.

Your added value in terms of trade
Market potential in Asia is undisputed. For SMEs in particular, however, the road is tough and the administrative and customs-related obstacles are daunting. Swiss traders gain in terms of security and competence when they are aware of the opportunities and threats with regard to the Asian market and are also familiar with possible solutions or one-stop offers that make it easier for Swiss companies to enter the international market.
Details on the speaker
As Deputy Head of PostLogistics International, Anna Kaempfer is jointly responsible for the strategic orientation and operative implementation of services in cross-border e-commerce, with a particular focus on China. A set of interesting career milestones, several years of work experience abroad and further training (apprenticeship, MA, EMBA) are part of her diverse profile.
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Language: German