Dominic Kropf Cross-media dialogue marketing, online and offline
The combination of digital and physical media enable effective performance campaigns to be realized. A good data set and an impressive campaign idea play as important a role as optimal coordination of touchpoints across the customer journey.

Your added value in terms of trade
Examples will be shown of how retailers can acquire new customers or reactivate existing customers, as well as implement their communication campaigns as efficiently and effectively as possible. Examples of this being implemented will be showcased and future-orientated examples of campaigns will be presented to convey ideas for your own activities.
Details on the speaker
Dominic Kropf has been the Head of the strategic business field Cross-Channel Communication at Swiss Post for two years and is working with his team on creating an effective solutions portfolio. He was previously active within innovation management and led a number of projects including the creation of advertising formats. Dominic Kropf studied business administration in Berne.
Language: German