Dr Darius Zumstein Swiss online retailer survey 2019
The Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is working together with the Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne (HSLU) and Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) to conduct the online retail survey on Swiss Digital Commerce 2019 on behalf of Swiss Post for the second time. This representative study provides numerous responses to the question of “What are retailers’ perspectives on Swiss digital commerce?"

Your added value in terms of trade
The following scientific and practical questions will be answered:
- Which sales channels do Swiss online traders use?
- Why do Swiss traders operate online shops?
- Which services do Swiss online shops offer?
- On which virtual market places do the traders sell?
- Which delivery options do online shops offer?
- Via which marketing channels do online shops communicate?
- What are the current challenges facing online traders?
Details on the speaker
Darius Zumstein has been a lecturer at the Institute for Marketing Management at ZHAW since October 2018. He previously worked at the Institute for Communication and Marketing at HSLU. He lectures and researches in the fields of digital commerce, digital marketing and digital analytics. He previously worked as a Digital Analytics Consultant at Raiffeisen Schweiz and headed digital analytics & data management at the health insurance provider, Sanitas Krankenversicherung.
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Language: German
Sponsor: ZHAW