Dr Marianne Janik Swiss retail industry: do something brave for goodness sake (based loosely on the words of Huldrych Zwingli)
Modern technology such as the cloud and artificial intelligence offer the Swiss retail industry huge potential for innovation and growth. But are we ready to seize this opportunity? Switzerland has always stood for innovation and progress. To keep things that way in future, we need more courage, creativity, openness and curiosity.

Your added value in terms of trade
The presentation shows how we can shape the future of Switzerland with new thinking, innovative cooperation models and the latest technology.
Details on the speaker
Marianne Janik has been CEO of Microsoft Switzerland since July 2015. She previously held responsibility for the areas of public administration, education and health on the Executive Board of Microsoft Germany for around four years. Born in France and a holder of a doctorate in law, she has many years of experience in sales and management roles in various companies and sectors, including Daimler Benz AG.
Language: German