Dr phil. Eveline Hipeli Young people and digital media: why rules are still important
A variety of needs are met by various media – for young and old alike. Digital media are part of people’s private life, but are also present in schools and many topics also influence the way in which the young people of today will be working in the future. The topic of this presentation is why rules about handling digital media at home, at school and at work are important even though the users are “almost adults”.

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An current overview of media usage by young people in Switzerland. Recognizing and becoming familiar with the importance and examples of media rules at home, at school and in professional life.
Details on the speaker
Dr Eveline Hipeli studied journalism and communication sciences, music ethnology and European folk literature at Zurich University and Vienna University. She is a media educator/communications scientist as well as author of various books, including the guide “Medien-Kids” (Beobachter Verlag) and the series “Ulla aus dem Eulenwald” (LMVZ).
Language: German