Ivan Bütler

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Ivan Bütler Fraud prevention in online trade

The main problem in online trade lies 20 cm behind the keyboard. Cyber criminals attack end users, elicit their passwords or hack into their computers or mobile phones. How is this possible? During this presentation you will discover more about hackers and how they operate (live hacking), as well as how companies can protect their unsuspecting customers.

Ivan Bütler – CEO, Compass Security

Your added value in terms of trade

The talk is practical and deals with real issues. Ivan Bütler is familiar with how cybercriminals operate and knows how to improve protection against hackers. It’s all about the cyber arms race − if you don’t want to be an easy target for hackers.

Details on the speaker

Ivan Bütler is a recognized IT security expert. In 1999, he founded Compass Security, which specializes in ethical hacking, penetration testing and incident response. He is the founder of the Hacking Lab, a virtual online hacking platform with over 100,000 users (VBS cyber course). Ivan lectures at HSR, HSLU and HWZ in the field of cyber security and hacking.

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Language: German

Sponsor: HWZ

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