Marco Li Mandri Artificial intelligence digital assistant for customer support and upselling
We will start with some premises on artificial intelligence. Next, we will see practical use cases of an AI-powered digital assistant which is consistent across several channels (app, web, Facebook, Alexa, WhatsApp, Ivr), both in support and sales. We will briefly see how a neural network works and how it can be trained within an organization to become domain-specific.

Your added value in terms of trade
During the presentation we will discover the most important aspect of building AI at scale. We will learn the reasons why conversational experiences are important, how to develop use cases and how to handle multiple channels seamlessly at once. Demo will be shown during the speech. Also, we will see how to train a neural network within an organization, with practical examples.
Details on the speaker
Marco is an experienced Digital Product Manager. He has been focusing in particular on AI applications for the last two years. He has handled both the design and technological challenges of building from scratch and then scaling up vocal interfaces and digital assistant applications which work seamlessly across channels (app and web, smart speakers, IVR).
Language: English