Prof. Dr Philipp A. Rauschnabel #Hashtags: what they are and what they do
Hashtags (#) are now an elementary part of modern communication on social media. However, people no longer use this symbol (just) to classify content. Our studies provide insight into what hashtags really are and how companies use them, or should use them. They produce some unexpected insights into an effective element in the social media marketing mix.

Your added value in terms of trade
Besides insights into our research on hashtags, we will also discuss examples of best practice at numerous companies. We will look at whether strong hashtags are good, the ideal positioning in posts, and whether hashtags can provide any benefit at all (spoiler: yes – as long as you do it right). Participating retailers can get inspiration from these findings, evaluate their former hashtag strategy and receive new impetus.
Details on the speaker
Prof. Philipp A. Rauschnabel is Professor of Digital Marketing and Media Innovation at Bundeswehr University Munich. His main areas of focus in a research, lecturing and advisory capacity lie within social media and XR (augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality).
Language: German