Sandro Graf Creating facts in service design
Customer-centric service development is now widely used as a buzzword. But only those who create the right fact base can create service innovations that are successful in the long term and, above all, bring the desired financial success. Which approach is successful in service design? Which methods are the right ones?

Your added value in terms of trade
Those who make decisions based on facts can expect more success. This also applies in service design. The speaker shows how Evidence-Based Service Design can be established in companies.
Details on the speaker
Sandro Graf (lic. Iur. EMSc.) has been a lecturer at the ZHAW School of Management and Law since 2012. His main areas of expertise are payment behaviour, consumer behaviour, customer experience and service design. He heads the Service Lab, a competence center for customer-centric design and product and service improvement.
Language: German
Sponsor: ZHAW