Stephan Stricker Connecta Start-up Radar – smart accounting and debt collection solutions
PAIR Finance finds it origin within digital Marketing: The advertising technology sensitizes customers to buy a product. PAIR Finance applies a similar approach in the collection process to sensitize defaulting customers to pay for it - digital, individual and userfriendly. Latest findings from behavioural psychology support the data.driven process to sensitize the deptor on his open claim.

Your added value in terms of trade
The audience will learn about new ways of combining AI and behaveioural psychology, as well as take a deep dive into debtors' behaviour. Additionally, their perception of digital dept collection will change fundamentally. Customers who are paying for services and products are crucial for every successful entrepreneur, open claims can be the fatal blow for new businesses. Therefore, an efficient and customer oriented dept collection is unavoidable.
Details on the speaker
Stephan brings years of experience at HitFox. He was responsible for the internationalization of ad2games, founded entitities in San Francisco and São Paulo and oversaw as MD the strategic development of nevaly. He has experience in online marketing, company building as well as consulting for KMPG. Stephan holds a Mater's degree in Business Administration and has studied in Germany and Australia.
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Language: German