Dr Jesse Bächler To what extent is the use of sports media by 14 to 35-year-olds digitized?
In sport, providers and users do not always move in the same direction: while sport-related content is increasingly played on social media, there are also age-related trends towards (traditional) analogue channels. Comparing media repertories consisting of the same eight channels, major shifts in user preferences are observed.
(Co-presentation with Robin Troxler)

Your added value in terms of trade
Like almost no other aspect of private life, sport has the ability to stimulate emotion among its supporters and create life-long loyalty. In 2018, the Swiss population spent over 2,500 francs per person on sporting goods, with online retail growing by 30 percent to rank 6th nationwide in 2019. In this lecture, retailers can learn when “digital first” no longer applies in the field of advertising.
Details on the speaker
Dr Jesse Bächler is a research associate at the ZHAW Institute of Marketing Management, whose work focuses on communication and branding. Together with Robin Troxler, he has designed and evaluated the study presented.
Language: German
Sponsor: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)