Dr Nicole Schnittfeld Business development in dynamic times – between prescriptions and agility
How do you actually develop new business models, products and markets? With what methods? Are there standards and prescriptions, or is agility what we need? And how do you bring interdisciplinary teams along with you?
In this session, examples and processes from business development will be introduced and reflected upon, with the aim of stimulating discussion with workshop participants.

Your added value in terms of trade
In this session, examples and processes from business development will be introduced and reflected upon, with the aim of stimulating discussion with workshop participants.
Details on the speaker
Dr Nicole Schnittfeld is Head of Business Development at PostLogistics and works to connect the interfaces between strategy, innovation and product and market development. She has worked for more than 15 years in logistics and transport in a wide range of roles, including in management, consulting and research.
Language: German