Dr Susanne Schmidt-Rauch Lean UX in e-commerce projects
UX design and research have arrived in IT projects. Have they also made the breakthrough in digital products? Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Shortcuts in research, lay UX and other pitfalls prevent users (customers) from taking advantage of this. Using lean-UX anti-patterns, we discuss solutions for successfully integrating leaner but more meaningful UX activities into e-commerce projects.

Your added value in terms of trade
If online shop operators (B2B and B2C) consider their shop as a product, they must constantly be informed of what the users need or are missing and what is bothering them. They must be able to transform their problems into pleasant designs. This is easier when UX activities are not add-ins but are an integrated component of the process. My presentation contributes to professionalization.
Details on the speaker
Susanne has worked for more than 10 years using the human-centered development procedure, consults in companies using waterfall and agile methods and is a socio-scientific UX researcher. Following her doctorate in the design of sales-oriented advisory systems, she switched entirely to consulting. As co-founder of evux, she has been working for her customers’ customers since 2016.
Language: German