Malte Polzin Is same-day delivery really a revenue driver?
Same-day delivery is on everyone’s lips, but what’s it about? What do customers want and how can retailers benefit from it? Since 2016/2017, STEG has been delivering its electronic products from 16 locations in Switzerland on the same day, and even within three hours. This can also be done unconventionally, by piggy-backing on a pizza delivery service. First-hand experience helps stimulate discussion.

Your added value in terms of trade
Practical experience and assessments of market developments in the same-day delivery space from a pioneer will serve as the basis for a lively discussion with participants.
Details on the speaker
Malte Polzin has had a passion for digital business since 1999. Whether in management roles at leading online Swiss retailers, including as CMO of the Competec Group, CEO of, CEO of and as managing partner at, or as a lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and as a speaker on topics related to digital business. Since 2019, he has been the managing director of PCP/STEG in Schaffhausen.
Language: German