Marisa Tschopp Do we have to trust artificial intelligence?
Doubts and criticism about the mega trend of AI are strengthening. The world is rapidly becoming more complex. The aim of AI is to overcome this complexity. But AI currently causes more problems than it solves. From deep fakes to a total surveillance state, AI comes with extremely questionable consequences. How can we handle this dichotomy?

Your added value in terms of trade
If the entire potential of artificial intelligence is to be harnessed meaningfully, we need something that is even harder to grasp than technology and data protection laws. We need human trust. Trust may be one of the crucial factors for a successful transition of business models and customer management.
Details on the speaker
Marisa Tschopp completed a master’s degree in business psychology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. She is active in research on Artificial Intelligence from a humanistic perspective, focusing on psychological and ethical aspects. She has given talks at TEDx events and has represented Switzerland as an ambassador in the Women in AI (WAI) initiative.
Language: German