Martin Regli Digital transformation at SMEs – opportunities and obstacles
Do you run a Swiss SME? Yes? Then get a concise overview of the drivers and challenges of the digital transformation by participating in this presentation. You’ll receive valuable input on opportunities and risks and will learn to recognize the wide range of opportunities that digitization offers.

Your added value in terms of trade
- Contents tailored to SMEs
- Awareness of drivers and goals behind digital initiatives
- Specific starting points for your company and recommendations for action in terms of the development and implementation of a digital strategy in your company.
- Practically focused
Details on the speaker
Martin Regli is the co-owner of passion4IT GmbH, a consulting firm for digital strategies and projects. He supports Swiss SMEs to successfully implement their digital projects. He is passionate about developing innovative concepts that are tailored to the needs and challenges of small and medium-sized Swiss companies.
Language: German