Michael Böni Exponentials!
Disrupt or be disrupted! It is vital for companies to be able to move quickly and confidently through the burgeoning field of digitization and the breathtakingly rapid development of technology. This includes understanding and mastering exponential technologies and the principles by which they operate. The presentation offers insights into the world of exponential technologies and the exponential mindset.

Your added value in terms of trade
Digitization and rapid technological development are increasingly changing society as a whole and almost every sector of the economy in shorter and shorter cycles. Learn to handle “exponential technologies” and develop an “exponential mindset” to enjoy a successful journey into the digital future.
Details on the speaker
Michael Böni is a veteran in the field of computer science, specializing in artificial intelligence and computer-game technology. He prepares companies to adopt exponential technologies and points managers in the direction of a successful digital future. Böni is also a lecturer on the subject of gamification and exponential technologies in universities of applied sciences and on economic forums.
Language: German
Sponsor: University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich (HWZ)