Nadia Holdener Video marketing – you simply need ideas and a smartphone
Video is the medium of the moment – and with smartphones, everyone has the perfect production medium in their trouser pocket. Instead of investing substantial amounts of money in technology, the focus should be placed on content. The few technical things that are important to know will be provided free of charge in this presentation.

Your added value in terms of trade
You cannot avoid video, regardless of whether you work for the florist around the corner, or for a major online shop. Thanks to better and more affordable technology, it is possible to create professional video content even without big budgets. What you need are ideas and the desire to get to grips with the topic.
Details on the speaker
Nadia Holdener is the co-founder and digital storyteller at Content & Töchter GmbH. She was won over by video during her nine years as a presenter and editor at Swiss Radio and Television. Today, she consults, designs and produces video content and teaches in Cast/Audiovisual Media at the Zurich University of the Arts, at the interface of video and social media.
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Language: German