Prof. Dr Andreas Ninck Learning in the context of agility and digital transformation
An increasingly complex and digitized world needs new forms of learning – in training and in the workplace. Less in demand is specific textbook knowledge. Instead, more skills for creatively developing context knowledge and solutions to problems are needed. The ability to learn in a team in an agile way, combined with digital tools, can be a crucial competitive advantage.

Your added value in terms of trade
Innovations are now developed less often using an inside-out approach, i.e. from the company’s perspective, but from an “outside-in” approach from the user’s perspective (user-centered design). In doing so, uncovering needs and creating solutions is based on the collaborative learning processes mentioned. It is a good reason for us to bring back the original meaning to the term “learning”.
Details on the speaker
Andreas Ninck works in the business department at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. His current interests are innovation management, business design, design thinking, e-learning and collaboration engineering. In his projects, he has worked at institutions such as Stanford University (Learning Center, Center for Design Research), taking on board the learning culture of Silicon Valley.
Language: German
Sponsor: Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)