Simon Brugger

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Simon Brugger Deep Dive “Headless”: How can future-proof commercial models be developed outside the desktop mainstream?

What are the API-based and headless trends in business all about, what exactly do commercial use cases look like today and what are the dreams for the future?

Simon Brugger – Director Product, Spryker Systems GmbH

Your added value in terms of trade

In this session, Simon Brugger shows which business cases are possible in an API-based/headless world and discusses how the development of and migration to such an infrastructure can be achieved: which systems are required, what must be taken into consideration and how can smart competitive advantages be obtained?

Details on the speaker

Simon has spent the past 10 years working in the e-commerce sector. He began his digital career at TANNER AG, where he developed spare parts and after-sales solutions. After moving to Planet Sports as CTO and building up a prototyping team at MediaMarktSaturn, he is currently shaping the future of the Spryker Commerce OS as Product Director.

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Language: German

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