Tijen Onaran

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Tijen Onaran Personal branding

When you hear the term “personal branding”, your mind immediately turns to self-staging, selfies and ego-shows. But personal branding means making it clear what you stand for and which themes you want to represent. In a work environment where collaboration is the basis for innovation, positioning is more important than ever.

Tijen Onaran – CEO, Global Digital Women

Your added value in terms of trade

Swiss retailing is currently undergoing a major transformation. This requires cooperation, expert knowledge and networked thinking. Personal branding is the very basis of these components, as transformation can only succeed when it is clear who has what expertise. Not everyone need be an expert, but everyone must know where to find which expert knowledge.

Details on the speaker

Tijen Onaran is the founder of Global Digital Women, an international company advocating greater visibility, empowerment and advice in diversity issues. As a member of the Handelsblatt Expert Council, she publishes articles and, every week, interviews personalities from society and the world of economics for Business Punk’s “How to Hack” podcast.

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Language: German

Sponsor: Global Digital Women

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