Urs Blickenstorfer Marketing automation: creativity powered by data and technology?
Marketing automation relieves us of some burdens, but also requires new skills. One new requirement for marketing is to create use cases, customer stories and creative content. But having the right technology is only half the story. We show you where the true power of marketing automation lies when it comes to creative use of new technologies and data.

Your added value in terms of trade
The talk raises awareness of the factors that are crucial to the successful use of marketing automation. A new way of looking at a very topical issue. A mix of theory and practical examples.
Details on the speaker
Urs Blickenstorfer is a leading expert in strategic marketing and technology in Switzerland, with over 20 years of practical experience. As owner and managing director of iundf Marketing Technology, he advises countless customers on strategy, implementation and the creative use of marketing automation.
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Language: German