Frank Buech “Because we love you” − BVG and its love campaign
In 2015, due to average image figures, the company BVG decided to run a campaign to change its image. Pre- and post-campaign comparisons were made and the campaign was presented using a range of different multimedia communication channels. The focus is on the social media channels set up at the start of the campaign and their impact on BVG’s change of image.

Your added value in terms of trade
Findings for changing the image of a company using the example of the Berlin Public Transport Company.
Details on the speaker
Frank Büch has been a Sales and Marketing manager for a number of years and currently heads the Marketing department. He has spent many years on the topic of customer retention and user interfaces, and has led various digitization projects. He was responsible for initiating the social media activities at BVG. He has been working on the #weilwirdichlieben (because we love you) campaign since 2015.
Language: German