Connecta during the coronavirus pandemic When the digitization event went digital
The fifth anniversary event to be held on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 was scheduled to feature more than 80 speakers from both Switzerland and abroad, packed with more than 40 hours of knowledge and around 250 guests. With a heavy heart, we had to abandon our vision of a normal Connecta due to the pandemic. The health of everyone involved is our main concern and cannot be entirely guaranteed, even with the most secure protection plan. However, we wanted to give Connecta a new lease of life and developed some great digital alternatives.
In 2020, we responded to the new circumstances in many different ways: #ConnectaDoc offers a genuine record of our times, while #ConnectaTV took us on a new, uncharted path. With #ConnectaTalk, we conducted interviews with a range of inspiring speakers, and thousands of you joined us.
Connecta TV
Multi-award-winning expert Katrin-Cécile Ziegler discusses key issues in a one-hour programme.
Although the coronavirus crisis largely brought the economy to a standstill and created a slowdown in certain sectors, it also accelerated the process of digitization. And what does the future hold? This and many other questions will be addressed in detail on Connecta TV by the multi-award-winning digital expert Katrin-Cécile Ziegler, joined by high-profile studio guests to discuss retail, digitization and the new normal.
Connecta Doc Documentary about digitization and the changing face of retail
On 16 March 2020, life in Switzerland changed. The nationwide lockdown imposed by the Federal Council had a direct impact on trade. The requirement to work from home also changed shopping habits – and we don’t just mean panic buying of toilet roll and pasta. How did the retail sector respond? Who are the winners and losers? What has remained the same and where do the old behaviour patterns still apply?
Documentary film-maker Daniel Rytz and his cameraman Pierre Reischer explored these questions. They talked to experts and asked them what they thought.
Connecta Talk
Connecta Blog
We’ve not only had the opportunity to hear many of the speakers in podcasts and see them in video interviews – now we’ll also have the chance to read what they have to say! Many of them have already agreed to provide a blog post on their presentation topic. Explore the wide range of topics to find inspiration.
Thank you
Today, we’re reflecting on a remarkable Connecta 2020. Overshadowed by uncertainty and many major challenges, we can be proud of another successful Connecta event – and that’s also thanks to you: our speakers, our partners, the entire Connecta crew in front of and behind the camera, and of course each and every viewer!