Joel Vogt The Internet of things at twenty: is it ready for business?
We barely had time to understand what the Internet of things (IoT) is about. We appreciate its value to business but a wave of new technologies – blockchain, machine learning, smart packaging – to name a few, promise to revolutionize the world beyond machines and are now impacting domains such as apparel or CPG. What are these emerging technologies? How do they fit into the IoT? What could they mean for your business?

Your added value in terms of trade
Swiss businesses are often among the first to leverage new technologies, once technologies are market ready. The aim of my talk is to help decision-makers in the audience to better understand what the Internet of things is, what some of the latest technological drivers are and which questions Internet of things technologies can help to answer.
Details on the speaker
Joël Vogt is a research engineer at a London-based IoT startup. His work mainly focuses on the tagged products aspect of the IoT (artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, barcodes, …). Joël has a keen interest in how new technologies, and especially artificial intelligence, will shape our lives and society.
Language: English
Sponsor: University of Fribourg