Paula Schwarz The creation of G2C (Government to Citizen) services and the law of the cloud.
500 million people will soon be on the move as migrants around the world. We offer G2C (Government to Citizen) services to these people. These are services that provide particular benefits, while adhering to strict quality standards. The World Datanomic Forum is the network of providers/supporters of the services. Together with participants, the aim is to choose additional services for the Cloud Nation.

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The presentation will promote the creativity of participants in a productive and solution-oriented way. I want to show participants ways in which they can genuinely foster equality of all individuals. Participants will therefore leave the presentation with specific examples in their minds that make it clear to them that technology can actually promote equality worldwide.
Details on the speaker
Paula Schwarz is half-Greek, half-German. She lives on the island of Samos, 1000 metres from the Turkish coast. She left the World Economic Forum in 2018 in order to found the World Datanomic Forum for world-changing activities. She studied finance, political science and data science at Stanford and at the Free University of Berlin.
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Language: German
Sponsor: University of Fribourg